The Official Blog - Riverdance

Dancing for Family

Its always a special moment to dance for friends and family..and our friends and family are a special lot who travel the world to see us on stage!

April Venues

Well it’s that time of the month again where Dancer & Blogger Meghan Lucey gives you a sneak peak into our amazing view from onstage!

London Calling

Find out what our Barrow Co. got up too on a day off in LONDON BABY!

Day off: NYC

New York, New York…I want to wake up, in a city that never sleeps..Find out what our Shannon Co. got up too on a day off in the Big Apple!

Mikes Instagram Takeover

Missed Tapper/Baritone Michael Everett’s Instagram takeover last week? Meghan Lucey catches you up on how it all went!

The Languages of the Barrow Company

Hello/Hola/Buna/Здравствуйте/Olá/Dia dhuit from the Barrow Company – Get to know where we are from, what languages we speak and our favourite foods from home!

Riverdance – Tour Habits

Very superstitious, writings on the wall…Check out some of the pre-show habits and rituals that our cast have on tour!