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Catch Riverdance before it closes – Philadelphia Touring with Riverdance from city to city in the U.S. is bittersweet for principal dancer Jason O’Neill, who knows this is his last opportunity to see the country — with the tour. “We know it’s the end,” he said. “We’re on our farewell tour. We’re playing 84 cities … some smaller cities we’ve never … Continued

Grand Theatre, Quebec to Cinco de Miau, Knoxville

It was nice to be back in a dance studio and a fine studio it was at the “Grand Theatre”, Quebec. This was even more important for one of our new troupe members, Callum Spencer who in just a few short days after his arrival would perform male lead for the very first time.

A ‘newbie’ with the show

Those days before our first show flew by and then I was standing side stage for my first press call, just about to dance the number Riverdance
Adrenalin kicked in and then I finally realised what I’m a part of and to top it off, in my home state and country…. NSW, Australia.

Oh! Toronto how I have missed you

Veterans Padraic Moyles and Niamh O’ Connor bid adieu to the American stage after serving many years with the ‘American’ Company. Niamh and Padraic were joined by Lauren Smyth, James Keating and singer/ tap dancer, Micheal Wood on their transfer to our sister company, the Moy on a six week tour of Australia and New Zealand until June. As the saying goes, one door closes and another opens and it did just that for their replacements. We have since welcomed Megan Baffa, Owen Barrington, Ben Mapp, Tokiko Masuda and Callum Spencer. They shall complete the remaining seven weeks with the Shannon Company.

Masterclass, PR, performances and downtime in Newcastle

Newcastle played host to a great first week of the tour. It was a busy one, in particular for the 6 new dancers who worked very hard, yet rewarding for both cast and crew who enjoyed all the local amenities had to offer. Jason Oremus proudly got to dance for his family who travelled from Sydney to watch him.

Back on the Road with the Moy Company in Australia

Cast and crew are reunited at Dublin airport. Hugs, kisses and lots of chit chat fills the air, as we all catch up on the past few months. It’s been a while since the Moy Company have travelled together. It’s also an exciting day for new dancers Patrick O’Mahony, Emma Warren, John Lonergan, Louise O’Sullivan and Shaun Kelly who will perform with Riverdance for the first time ever on the upcoming tour of Australia and New Zealand. Peta Anderson from Sydney will also join the company when we land in Australia.

Boston to Toronto

Meanwhile, our male troupe had an early start as they performed live on Canada’s largest TV show, Canada AM. Their PR duties must have paid off as the audiences in Toronto were the most memorable of the tour with a whopping near 10,000 people attending our shows!

Boston – a fond goodbye

Boston itself ,being a city quite influenced by the Irish, makes it a hub for many Irish Dancing Schools. We were so thrilled to welcome Irish Dance students from many different dance academies to our performances over the weekend period. Autograph signing and partaking in group shots with throngs of young dancers and enthusiasts makes my job on the road as exciting as ever.

A busy time in Detroit

From Saginaw to Syracuse, between easter eggs and new fiddle players, It is only now I’ve had a minute to come up for air and share with you some more stories from our life on the road. We have come past the half way point of our final farewell tour and things are still as exciting as ever! Indulge in my tales from our home away from home.

Keeping fit on tour

We work on methods of improving fitness and core strength but I also introduced weights and resistance training, something a lot of us girls wouldn’t dream of doing! Chloey comments “A lot of women think that by lifting weights it will make them bulky. It won’t! There are many benefits including the fact that it can raise your metabolic rate which is an important factor in maintaining body weight. By just aerobic training you’ll struggle to get a lean, toned body.