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End of the line – Final Shows North America

It’s bittersweet as I finish the last step in the last number of the last ever North American Riverdance show. Some 6,000 people are on their feet in the fantastic outdoor arena at WolfTrap, Vienna and boy has it been a long journey!

A blog dedicated to our audiences!

As we neared the end of the last ever North American Tour of Riverdance, it was evident that the show will most certainly be missed. We have had the most amazing response here in North America and I’ve decided to dedicate this blog to the thousands of people who have come to see our shows over the past few months.

Newly engaged Kelly and Rocio

Did you see the movie “The 5 Year Engagement?” The whole first scene is pretty much how it went down. I had the whole thing planned in my head how and where… with Rocio’s family and everything… Things started falling apart, and it just wasn’t gonna happen. I ended up doing it in the car. Not the most romantic thing in the world, but it was funny to us… She said “Si Kelly!” and that’s all that matters to me.

New duo join wardrobe department

Since Riverdance began performances in Dublin in 1995, over 12,000 costumes have been worn. Nestled in the heart of Dublins Capel Street, is a little den where all the costumes, designed by Emmy Award winner, Joan Bergin are housed. Monica Ennis, head of wardrobe oversees the costume workshop in Dublin and is responsible for fitting all new cast members so that they look the part. The costumes are a vital part of the overall look of the show

Farewell New Zealand – we’re homeward bound

A four show weekend at the CBS Arena, marked the end of a 6 week farewell tour across Australia and New Zealand. The end of a tour always brings a mix of emotions. There is the exciting anticipation of getting home to see friends and family combined with an element of sadness when bidding farewell to fellow cast members, heading home in different directions. Working, travelling and socialising together pulls a cast & crew quite close and it always takes a few days to readjust when you finish a tour and are flying around solo once again back home.

Busch Gardens and beyond

There was so much bubbling excitement amongst the Shannon Co. in Raleigh, NC. I was particularly excited as I performed the role of female principal alongside Jason O’ Neill on the first matinee of the weekend.  What an honor and pleasure it is to represent the leading lady in such a spectacle.

Trendy Wellington, NZ

Opening night provided much cause for celebration. It was the first time Riverdance had ever performed in Wellington …….
……A busy four show weekend brought our time in Wellington to a close. With only one week and city to go, the tour has flown by!!!

St Louis – My first Trading Taps performance

On Friday, we set off to St.Louis and this was a huge weekend for me as I was preparing to become the first female ever to perform ‘Trading Taps’ – a number in the show which sees the male American tap dancers trade off with the male Irish troupe. I went straight to the venue for my first sound check and this was certainly nerve-wrecking especially with the whole company watching. Thankfully it went well and I was more than ready for my debut on Sunday evening.

Interview: Conor McCarthy – Riverdance Physio

Aisling McVeigh, chats to Conor McCarthy backstage during the show in Wellington, about his role as Physio on the road with Riverdance. Like most athletes, professional dancers put their bodies through immense physical training and exercise to continually improve their performance and to be the best that they can be. One of the most common questions asked is, whether we pick-up many injuries and how we maintain our bodies over the course of a long tour, performing 8 shows a week. With Physio Conor McCarthy on standby backstage at all times, the troupe are well looked after.

What Riverdancers cannot live without – part II

Since my last blog got such a good response , I figured I’d go ahead and do another feature this week. So, off I set backstage in Baltimore, MD with my pen and paper and set about seeking my next few victims! Let me next introduce to you the lovely Tokiko Masuda, who had a hard time narrowing her selection of favorite ‘things’ to one, so we agreed to feature her top two favorites..