Blog Archives - Page 12 of 50 - Riverdance

The Shannon Riverdance Band

Meet the Shannon Co. band – an extraordinary group of musicians who bring our music alive night after night!

Backstage with the Band

For the first time in the history of Riverdance the Barrow Company currently touring Germany have an all female 4 piece band. Dancer & Blogger Peter Wilson finds out more

Riverdance on Runway

We are a stylish bunch here at Riverdance, from travel days to nights out see what some of our favorite brands are!

Riverdance: Are We Professional Packers? You Decide!

Riverdance – #LifeHacks: Packing!! Riverdancers live out of suitcases for months at a time and here they share their packing do’s and dont’s!


We love a fact or 20 here at Riverdance – The fantastic Dancer and Blogger Sarah Woods gives you all the stats from our 21st Anniversary UK Tour!

Boston Irish Dancers Take the Riverdance Stage

This week in Boston some of the local dance schools opened for our show here at the Wang Theatre and what a fantastic job they did!

Meet Brandi Fucci, one of Riverdance’s Fantastic Backstage Talent

Brandi Fucci one of our incredible crew members. This tour wouldn’t be the same with out her; she really ‘lights’ up our day!

Dancing for Family

Its always a special moment to dance for friends and family..and our friends and family are a special lot who travel the world to see us on stage!

April Venues

Well it’s that time of the month again where Dancer & Blogger Meghan Lucey gives you a sneak peak into our amazing view from onstage!

London Calling

Find out what our Barrow Co. got up too on a day off in LONDON BABY!