The Official Blog - Riverdance

Irish dates for 2011 announced

Riverdance is delighted to announce that it will open its now traditional Summer run in Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre from 28th June to 28th August and a return to the INEC Killarney for an extraordinary 8th season from Tuesday 30th August to 4th September.

Riverdance performs at a Celebration of the Queen’s visit to Ireland

The British Embassy, will host a celebration of the Queen’s state visit to Ireland in Dublin’s Convention Centre. The event will be attended by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, President Mary McAleese and her husband Martin, with some 2,000 invited guests from across Ireland involved in the business, sporting, entertainment, politics and charity sectors.

Riverdance Performers test South China Morning Post’s aspiring writers

Young Post junior reporters joined four Riverdance performers at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. They took to the stage with the dancers, who taught them a number of dance moves.
Afterwards, they interviewed the performers about being part of the Riverdance phenomenon and they got a glimpse of the show’s costumes and found out how they were made.

Interview with lead Chloey Turner

Chloey Turner was just a little girl glued to her TV set when she first saw Riverdance on a 1994 broadcast. Today, the dancer counts herself lucky that 17 years later the show is still touring and attracting audiences the world over.

REVIEW: Riverdance taps into city’s heart

The packed opening night of the Saskatoon run of Riverdance proved the city still has a hearty appetite for Irish step-dancing — an athletic, energetic dance style that first captured global attention 17 years ago.