Blog Archives - Page 17 of 50 - Riverdance

Meet the Riverdance Summer School Instructors – John

Six time World Champion and Riverdance Dancer John Lonergan is looking forward to answering all your Summer School related questions in Killarney this weekend

Meet Emma Warren – Riverdance Lead and Summer School Instructor

Emma Warren. ” I wish that we had an opportunity like the Riverdance Summer School when we were growing up!”

Living It Up In Japan

From Tokyo to Toyama to Nagoya – Dancer Ellen Bonner catches you up on all the backstage happenings from the tour in Japan!

A day in the Life: Riverdance Wardrobe

Climb inside the Riverdance wardrobe and find out what it takes to keep the cast looking sharp!

Welcome to Japan

And so the Japanese tour is well and truly underway. Riverdance are back in Japan after seven years and are thoroughly enjoying it so far…Read all about it with Dancer Ellen Bonner!

Dance with Ireland, Tour for Riverdance

Read Alice Yangs fantastic article about her experience visiting Ireland and seeing Riverdance live for the first time in Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre. Translated from the original article published in HuanYing Ireland.

Bobby and Aoife invite you to the Summer School

Dancers Bobby Hodges and Aoife Kennedy are looking forward to meeting the next generation of dancers at the summer school

A typical travel show day!

Read about a typical travel day on our German tour with dancer Sarah Woods!

St. Patrick’s Day on Tour..

Awh St Patrick’s day! A day when everyone becomes Irish and cities across the world are lit up green…

Happy St Patrick’s Day

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh ! A happy St Patrick’s Day to you all!