My Spot on the Longest Line.. - Riverdance

My Spot on the Longest Line..


On July 21st 2013, 1,693 people from over 44 countries gathered along the banks of the River Liffey in attempt to break the world record for the most Irish dancers dancing in a continuous line.

I got up at about 7 o’clock that morning to get the 8 o’clock train to Pearse Street. On the train, my mam and I met up with my cousins Aisling and Faye, my aunty and a family friend who were all attending the event.

We got to Pearse Street at about 8.30. From here we walked to the Samuel Beckett Bridge. My mam, my aunty and our family friend were all dance stewards at the event, so we had to be there early.

Although we wished we didn’t have to be there so early at the time, we were later glad we were! We were close to the top of the queue and managed to get a spot dancing on the Samuel Beckett Bridge alongside the cast of Riverdance.


Once we got onto the bridge, it was time to get down to business! We practiced the steps we had been given over and over to make sure we knew them off by heart and that we were ready to go once the time came to break the record!We even got to meet some of the current Riverdance Leads (Stephen and Maria) on their way to the bridge!


At exactly noon, LE Niamh, the Irish Navy ship, let off a starting signal and the music started. It was time to break the record!

During those few seconds between the starting signal and when we started dancing, I could feel nerves building up inside me. Once we started dancing though, all the nerves went away and all I could think about was how much fun it was to be dancing alongside Riverdance with 1,692 other dancers while breaking a world record all at the same time!

We danced the Riverdance steps for five minutes straight. Once those five minutes were up, everyone started to cheer. We had done it! We had broken the world record!

10 minutes after we had finished dancing, we went for another five minutes of dancing ‘hop 1, 2, 3’s.’ When those five minutes were up, we celebrated and cheered just as we did the last time.

My cousins, Aisling, Faye and I went to the top of the bridge where we met the amazing Jean Butler. The three of us idolized her from a young age, so it was amazing to finally meet her!

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We then met Padraic Moyles, which was also amazing! He was in a rush so we didn’t get to speak to him for long. Even though it wasn’t for long, it was still great to meet him! (Even though I find out 2 years later he blocked me out of a potentially good photo, but we won’t get into that… I’ll forgive you Padraic)


Overall, it was a great day! The atmosphere was incredible! Everyone was so happy and excited just to be there and to be part of such an amazing experience with their fellow dancers. Breaking the record was a bonus! I think I speak for everyone who took part when I say that I am so proud to have been part of such an amazing event.


(Beth is currently a TY Student with Skerries Community College and has been dancing since the age of three, She recently won CRN All Ireland Championship 2015 and is about to compete in the CRN World Championship – Best of Luck Beth!) 

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