Welcome to Japan - Riverdance

Welcome to Japan


And so the Japanese tour is well and truly underway. Riverdance are back in Japan after seven years and are thoroughly enjoying it so far. This amazing country has so much to offer; we are very excited to be touring it for the whole month of April as we are constantly being blown away by it’s fascinating culture, landmarks, skyline, etc.

The Japanese audience are so warm and welcoming- they absolutely love it!





We have done a lot of exploring the past week in Tokyo. Our timing was actually perfect on arriving to Japan as we got to experience the beauty of the cherry blossom season. Many people come to visit Japan in the spring to witness this. It only lasts for a week or two; with the weather being so nice on the day off few of the cast spent some time at Shinjuku park soaking up the sun and taking in this natural beauty.




Others took in the phenomenal sites from the 45th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Observatory Building which has a spectacular panoramic view.


However the most memorable experience here so far has to have been seeing a show in the Robot restaurant in Shinjiku. We witnessed what can only be described as the most bizarre, mind blowing, peculiar but strangely enjoyable show performed by the Japanese. Ciara Sexton describes the show as “A true spectacle, Japanese style”




We have a busy weekend of shows ahead of us here in the Orb theatre in Tokyo. Check us out on Facebook and twitter @Riverdance for more up to date info on what the Moy Company are getting up to on stage and off.

Highlight of the week:

 Julia Gatts: “Going to a Japanese baseball game with my parents because it was really interesting seeing how differently the fans react here compared to those at home.”




Until Next time,



Dance with Ireland, Tour for Riverdance


A day in the Life: Riverdance Wardrobe
