Dancer Blog: A weekend in Amsterdam
Riverdance Tapper and Baritone, Micheal Wood logs his journey on tour though Groningen and Amsterdam in The Netherlands with this weeks blog.
Riverdance Tapper and Baritone, Micheal Wood logs his journey on tour though Groningen and Amsterdam in The Netherlands with this weeks blog.
Rounders, Waffles and Belgium, Read all about life on tour with Dancer Meghan Lucey.
Tapper and Baritone Michael fills us in on the sights and sounds of the South of France this week.
As votes were being counted around Europe, in Dublin in the Point Theatre (now the O2), RIVERDANCE burst onto the stage and took the audience by complete surprise.
20 years ago, on 30th April 1994 something extraordinary happened on the banks of the River Liffey in Dublin…
”That’s what I wanted to do. They were mystical, mystical people.”
Riverdance hat am Wochenende in München eine weitere Rekordmarke aufgestellt. Mit 25 Millionen Zuschauern ist es die erfolgreichste Show aller Zeiten
Riverdance has set another record! This time by welcoming our 25 millionth audience member
Read Meghan second installment of her life on tour blog, including St. Patrick’s Day fun and the RD AB Club!