Life in the Gaiety - Riverdance

Life in the Gaiety

As we perform here in the Gaiety in Dublin for our summer run its one of the rare times during the year that we are in the one place for more than a week. While we are used to blogging about the travel and the amazing places we get to visit its also equally as good to be settled here at home.

Life on the road can be glamorous and exciting but having a place to unpack our suitcases makes a huge difference for us (believe me opening a wardrobe to find something to wear is so much easier than rummaging through a suitcase and trying to decide what is clean and what’s not!)

Gaiety life is very different to Tour life. As there is no travel involved we have the days to ourselves. Cooking is something I really miss when I’m on tour so its great to be able to cook healthy food at home instead of eating out every day. The Gaiety green room is the feeding ground for the cast and you’ll always find some of us in there with our lunchboxes tucking in to whatever culinary delights we’ve prepared that day. During the day most dancers go to the gym or catch up with friends over a coffee in town and maybe have a quick look around the shops (we’ve been known to enter the stage door with a shopping bag or two)

We usually go into work around 5.30 to begin rotations which is followed by our group warm-up onstage when the curtain comes down. The Gaiety is a special place to dance, the walls are covered with photographs of the great Irish performers who have graced the stage and what makes it even more special is that almost every night someone in the cast has a visitor in the audience This creates a great buzz backstage and we love have family and friends in to cheer us on.

We’re looking forward 10 more weeks of fun here in the Gaiety and seeing lots more familiar faces in the audience. We love you Dublin!

Here are a few pictures with the dancers and visitors this week:


Aoife Kennedy with Riverdance super fan Silke Maris who travelled all the way from Belgium to see Riverdance in Dublin.


Ciara Callanan-Ryan with dancers Danielle and Leona Bowe.


Louise O’Sullivan with Julianne from the Elbadri Academy of Irish Dance


Miriam Lee with Katie who dance with the Zara Curtis Academy of Irish Dance (Zara was a former principal dancer in the show)


Ellen, Orlagh, Aoife and Myself with Ellen’s cousin who travelled from Donegal to see the show

Wolf Trap National Park - An Amazing Venue!


June Theaters
