The Official Blog - Riverdance

Riverdance meets Oxford

Oxford. A place where bikes are everywhere to be seen. A place with buildings made out of cobblestone. A home to one of the oldest universities. Oh and a place where Riverdance performed for a week.

The November Sun..

Sun, Sea and Sand – read all the goings on from the China tour with dancer Ellen Bonner.

Weird, Wacky and Wonderful!

The majority of this week was spent in the beautiful city of Guangzhou, located along the south coastline of China..Find out all about it with Ellen Dance Diary!

Edinburgh – Queens, Kings and Wizards

‘Edinburgh has personally been my favorite stop on our UK tour so far. Not only did the city welcome us with its charm, the audiences we played for welcomed us with enthusiasm too’. Read more from Ryan here

Review: Riverdance by Edinburgh News

If we weren’t jigging around Dublin’s Liffey River, we were tap-dancing our way across the New York Hudson, or snapping the Caracas on the plains of Spain.. Read Barry Gordons review of Riverdance here.