Blog Archives - Page 24 of 50 - Riverdance

A week of Travel

Its been a hectic time of dance and travel for the Liffey company this week, catch up with all the goings on with the lovely Sarah Woods.

Paris in the Spring Time!

We welcome our latest blogger Texan dancer Kincaid Stringer to the blogging team, as he gives us his insights to life on tour.

A weekend in Paris

Dancer Sarah Woods has all the latest goings on from Life on the Riverdance Tour, everything from sight seeing in Paris to selfies with Damian Lewis!

Celebrating Riverdance 20 with TV’s Late Late Show

  Riverdance  marked its 20th anniversary with a spectacular opening performance of Ireland’s most popular television show and the longest running chat show in the world – The Late Late Show on RTE 1. Just over 300 Irish dancers lined the corridors of the famous Montrose Studios and danced the steps to the iconic  Riverdance … Continued

It’s a Family affair!

Four of the original Riverdancers from the 1994 Eurovision, along with their children joined in the festivities and the line on RTE’s Late Late Show.

Dancer Blog: Sharing is Caring

As Meghan’s blog series comes to an end this week, she looks back on her time on tour and how the cast and crew become your ‘on road’ family.

Dancer Blog: A weekend in Amsterdam

Riverdance Tapper and Baritone, Micheal Wood logs his journey on tour though Groningen and Amsterdam in The Netherlands with this weeks blog.

Enjoying Belgium

Rounders, Waffles and Belgium, Read all about life on tour with Dancer Meghan Lucey.

The night Riverdance was introduced to the world

As votes were being counted around Europe, in Dublin in the Point Theatre (now the O2), RIVERDANCE burst onto the stage and took the audience by complete surprise.

Riverdance celebrates 20 years since Eurovision 1994

20 years ago, on 30th April 1994 something extraordinary happened on the banks of the River Liffey in Dublin…