The Riverdance Summer School 2016... - Riverdance

The Riverdance Summer School 2016…


Now that we can take a deep breath and relax (to a certain extent), its time to reflect on what was another hugely successful summer school.  Just over two weeks ago, more than two hundred dancers over two weeks descended upon Ireland’s capital city, Dublin. The young aspiring dancers from all corners of the globe took to their digs on day one in the historic Trinity college. Awaiting them, a week filled of behind the scenes knowledge from the experts, a master class in health and fitness, material from the show thought to them by the cream of the crop here at Riverdance and at the end of the week a showcase to beat all showcases, a chance to dance for their nearest and dearest on the set so many have dreamed of performing on.

Riverdance-Blog-Summer-School-2016-Group-with-James Riverdance-Blog-Summer-School-2016-Jumping

The Riverdance Summer School has for two years now giving young aspiring dancers an opportunity that is second to none.

Prepping and grooming them for what hopefully could lead to an illustrious career like so many have had before them, travelling the world performing their trade they have worked so hard at their entire lives, for thousands, enjoying standing ovations on a daily basis. Excitement around the grounds was constantly on show. No matter how tired, sore or sometimes flustered they may have been, optimism, appreciation and energy was always a simple thought away.


This thorough camp would not have been possible without the dedication of those that made it happen and run so smoothly and meticulously from the start.

Thanks are a must to our chaperones, instructors and of course Riverdance office staff themselves. There are too many to mention and for fear of leaving someone out (of which I would never hear the end of) a general thank you on behalf of so many dancers around the world who had and I quote many in this “the best time of their lives” I leave you with a huge thanks.

Although the summer school is over, it’s yearly legacy will live on in the minds and hearts of those who were so lucky to be involved and I’m sure there are those who will read this all ready itching to put one heavy shoe in the door for next year. Congratulations again to all, the next generation continuing to keep this huge phenomenon rolling.

Stay tuned to all our social media outlets for all up to date info regarding the show and it’s never ending  shenanigans.



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