The Official Blog - Riverdance

Riverdance comes to Jackson Mississippi

The juiced-up jigs and staccato stomps of Irish dance phenomenon Riverdance kick could kick up a storm of Celtic interest in the upcoming shows in Jackson. The production’s Friday-Saturday stint at Thalia Mara Hall should tap into much of the same audience that’s swelled the ranks of the annual CelticFest Mississippi

First Tour in South Africa for Riverdance

The Phenomenal flying footwork of the original Riverdance on stage in Johannesburg and Cape Town in 2011

“This show is a mammoth not-to-be-missed entertainment experience which we are proud to stage in South Africa for the first time” says Attie van Wyk, CEO of BIG Concerts International

Riverdance’s highest performance ever

Riverdance’s highest performance ever –
Two hundred metres above ground
The team is applying to have this feat recognised by Guinness World Records as a performance on the highest stage in the world.

Riverdance taps its way into MBS theatre

Ten years after it last wowed local audiences, lavish Irish musical extravaganza Riverdance is back this month to open the sprawling, 1600-seat Marina Bay Sands theatre.

Grand affair for Riverdance and Sands Theater opening

The Riverdance opening night was a doubly auspicious one as it was also the first show to be staged in the newly opened Sands Theatre at Marina Bay Sands.

Members of the theatre and creative industry were in attendance to watch the extraordinary performance in this new theatre.

Lead Dancer Chloey Turner

Chloey Turner’s love affair with Riverdance is the story of a lifelong dream come true.

Born in England, Turner, 23, saw Riverdance on TV when she was a child. From that moment she wanted to be a part of the show.

Irish tap dancing heats up the stage at Marina Bay Sands

Interview with Lead Dancer Padraic Moyles
A large bucket of ice for sore legs after every show.

Every dancer soaks his or her legs in ice when they get off-stage – an essential practice among the dancers of the Riverdance company.

And it is probably one of the things that has kept lead dancer Padraic Moyles’s legs intact for the past 13 years that he has been with the show.