The dance continues into the night - Riverdance

The dance continues into the night

#DanceAthon   Donate now on
The Riverdance 24 hour DanceAthon in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation continued throughout the night outside the Gaiety theatre. The Riverdance cast joined in again after performing the show on stage.
In the early hours of the morning Lead dancer Lauren Symth danced her Festival Slip Jig with the female Riverdance Troupe

Then amazing Gardiner Brothers took to the plaza

The dance was paused for a time during the night when rain made the outdoor stage too slippery to dance on. The team tried to mop and wipe the stage as the dancers performed but eventually they were forced to pause until the rain eased off. As soon as possible the dance resumed with gusto.

24 hours of continuous dance in Dublin


Riverdance DanceAthon - Thank you for your support
