Politics meets Step Dancing - Riverdance

Politics meets Step Dancing

Politics and show business are never too far apart. Recently some Shannon cast members have been seen in political company, but as far as we know there are no potential candidates about to be announced, it’s just that some politicians are great at choosing the right entertainment.

US President Bill Clinton, Brian Kennedy and Sara Clancy

On October 5th 2000, Brian Kennedy and Sara Clancy entertained US President Bill Clinton and guests at a New York Democratic fundraising dinner in honour of Governor Tom Carper of Delware at the Fifith Avenue home of songwriter Denise Rich.

Brian and Sara performed the duel ‘Lift the Wings’ from Riverdance. Brian then picked up his guitar and sang ‘Carrickfergus’ a traditional Irish ballad about longing and loss. As Brian was singing he noticed the President closed his eyes and mouthing the words to the song. “There’s not that many people that know that song verse for verse,” Brian said. As Brian finished the ballad, the President jumped up from the table, headed straight for Brian, shook his hand and gave him a big hug. According to Brian the president had “a wee tear in his eye.” Brian also had a story for Mr. Clinton from Belfast, where Mr. Clinton heard him sing in 1996 during a visit. “When he came up the Falls road to a wee family bakery, he accepted a gift of some bread. They now call the bakery Clinton’s. When I told him that, he busted out laughing and said, ‘I can’t wait to tell Hillary’.”

After chatting with Brian and Sara for about 15 minutes, The President then addressed the guests and talked about Belfast and how important the peace process was to him.

On Wednesday evening in September, the Canadian members of the Shannon Company were delighted to meet the wife of their Prime Minister, Mme. Aline Chrétien, after she attended the Broadway show.

Left to Right: Zeph Cassie, Mme Chrétien, Amy Rivard, Sherry Steele, Orla Keane, Ryan McCafferty, Shannon Doyle and Lindsay Doyle

Photos by Merle Frimark, Press Representative in North America.

Riverdance Homecoming 2000 Dublin


Riverdance at the United Nations
