And we are back - China Tour Dec 2016 - Feb 2017

And we’re back!!



With the start of a new tour, Dublin delights are a distant memory as we settle in to our first few days here in Harbin, China. An exciting ten weeks of sell out shows across this energetic and quiet simply mad country awaits. As with every tour the goodbyes in departure halls across the globe were hard for our fantastic force of cast and crew, always harder knowing Santa will be missed by us all!!

This, the Barrow Company, like many before it is especially excited to introduce and incorporate brand new cast and crew to the illustrious list of Riverdance professionals. Now there are too many to name but all our new family members bios and pictures are posted on our website so be sure to check them out!




Jet lag had to be put aside as our dedicated crew took to the jaw droppingly stunning, Harbin Opera House. Battling the cold (tempatures of -19) they erected our now famous set for the first time during this tour – just another 128,383 times to go lads before the last! The cast shortly followed  with the worldwide cream of the Irish dancing crop gathering for day one of rehearsals under the watchful eye of our associate director, Padraic Moyles.



The tech run loomed for our newbies but nerves will always be outshone by talent and like a duck to a river (see what I did there) our cast shook it off and performed like pros! We were ready..”half hour” was called..costumes shone like diamonds and music and dance took to stage for the first time on …Riverdance Tour of China 2016/17.


Be sure to stay up to date with all Riverdance news by following our FacebookTwitter, Instagram and SnapChat


Introducing our new Troupe Members


On a Roll: Harbin - Changchun - Shenyang
