Next stop Riverdance arrives in Frankfurt for 5 shows - Riverdance

Next stop Riverdance arrives in Frankfurt for 5 shows

Patricia Henry, Dancer, Corrib Company

Frankfurt was exciting because on the Saturday matinee Mairead Masuda performed the Female Lead for the very first time. We were so happy that she performed lead for the first time with the Corrib company because Mairead trained so hard with us before she went to China.

Mairead’s sister Tiko was here and Mairead’s parents flew in to see Mairead perform. There was great excitement within the company for the weekend.

Mairead & Tiko

Before the show on Sunday two of the Riverdance lead dancers, Joe and Maria judged an Irish dance competition where groups had choreographed pieces to different music.
The winners of the competition were a group of girls who performed to Riverdance music. They had the honour of dancing again just before the start of Riverdance to a full house.
We were all back stage supporting them. They were very good.

Irish dance competition Winners with Maria and Joe

This was our final week in Germany with only one more week to tour in Europe, when we travel around Belgium.


Riverdance Corrib Tour visit Dresden


Riverdance Boyne Company in Youngstown, OH and York, PA
