Opening Night - The Point Depot, Dublin - Riverdance

Opening Night – The Point Depot, Dublin

9th February 1995, Riverdance – The Show, the first Irish dance show ever, opens at The Point Theatre, Dublin, Ireland for a sell-out run, with record box office sales. This the first of many opening nights, began the extraordinary journey of the incredible stage spectacular that has electrified over 25 million people of all ages around the world.

This video clip is the first scene of the show Reel Around the Sun featuring the Riverdance Irish Dance Troupe and Riverdance lead dancers Michael Flatley and Jean Butler.

“The sun brings life and light and fire, the opening dance sequence celebrates this benevolent masculine power. The sun is the light of morning, exuberant and clear”

Original Choreography: Michael Flatley

Christmas Time..


China:- It's not goodbye but see you soon.
