NOW ON until JUNE 8.
Celebrating 30 phenomenal years, Riverdance - The New Generation is touring in 35 major cities across the USA from until June 2025.
New York, NY
Radio City Music Hall
March 28-30 for 5 shows.
Wallingford CT
Oakdale Theatre
April 1-3, for 3 shows.
VIP Experience available.
Providence, RI
April 4 - April 6, for 5 shows
Boston, MA
Wang Theatre
April 8 -13 for 8 Shows.
VIP Experience available.
Schenectady, NY
April 15 - 17 for 3 shows
VIP Experience available
Philadelphia, PA
Miller Theatre
April 18 - 20
VIP Experience available
Chicago IL
Cadillac Palace Theatre
April 22 to April 27
Kalamazoo, MI
Miller Auditorium
Tuesday, April 29, 7:30p.m. VIP Experience available
Indianapolis IN
Clowes Hall
April 30 - May 1 for 2 Shows. VIP Experience available.
St Louis, MO
Fox Theatre
May 2 - 4 for 5 Shows.
VIP Experience available
Kansas City, MO
Music Hall
May 6- 8 for 3 shows.
VIP Experience available
Iowa City, IA
Hancher Auditorium
May 9-11 for 5 Shows
VIP Experience available
Dubuque, IA
Five Flags Center
May 13 for one show
VIP Experience available
Wausau, WI
Grand Theatre
May 14-15 for 2 Shows.
VIP Experience available.
Green Bay WI
Weidner Center
May 16. VIP Experience available.
Duluth MN
May 17. VIP Experience available.
Prior Lake MN
Mystic Lake Casino
May 18. VIP Experience available.
Spokane WA
First Interstate Center
May 28 - 29 for 2 Shows
VIP Experience available
Seattle WA
Paramount Theatre
May 30 – June 1 for 5 shows.
Eugene OR
Hult Center
June 3-5 for 3 Shows
VIP Experience available
Portland, OR
Keller Auditorium
June 6-8 for 5 Shows
VIP Experience available.